目前分類:台南/Tainan-400 below (3)

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In fact, you should call it "Garden Night Market", the largest night market in Tainan city. Here you can find almost every kind of traditional dim sum. The top ranking foods are Fried Stinky Tofu, Oyster Omelet, Spicy Hot Bean Curd and Duck Blood, and Coffin bread. Remember, the vender here cannot speak English. Don't try to communicate with them. Look into their eyes you will find how scare they are. I recommend you to prepare a food list in Chinese and try to find the same character on the board.

花園夜市的英文不知為何叫Flower market? 每到周末這裡總是萬頭鑽動人聲鼎沸,每樣東西看起來都很好吃。每年都會來個兩三次,夏天太熱,冬天來正是時候。推薦延記臭豆腐南洋風味拉薩麵二師兄魯味。前兩樣現場吃,魯味很特別是三杯口味的,可以帶回去配個啤酒非常過癮!


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Eel Noodle(鱔魚意麵) is one of the most famous Tainan style cuisines. In order to perform the best taste, Chief Liao has to complete his cooking within 27 seconds. This sweet and sour flavor eel noodle is the common memory of all Tainan people. The other very delicious dish you cannot miss is the...well..fried pig's kidneys with sesame oil(麻油腰子). Seriously, it is really good. Even though you don't like the taste after all, this experience, eating a pig's kidney, still makes you the bravest man among your bros. One more thing, it is impossible to be find this place if you can't speak Chinese or Taiwanese. Try to make a local friend and ask he or she to get you there.


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Chiger Beef Soup Restaurant(旗哥牛肉湯) only closes from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, which means you can enjoy the traditional Tainan style beef soup almost all the day. The chief blanches the very fresh beef (actually just killed in the morning) to medium rare and serves as a bowl of soup. Also, you can get a free steam rice or braised beef rice together with the beef soup.  I don't think waiters here can speak English. My suggestion is that you call one waiter, point the soup ordered by people who sit next to you, and raise your first finger. I believe you will get exactly the same soup just like that guy's.


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